Nachname: Aguiló Collado
Vorname: Carles
Weitere Vortragende:
Organisation/Firma: Maths for More
Titel des Vortrags oder Workshops: Evaluation of scientific disciplines in Moodle 2

Moodle has some elements that provide for randomness for the online assessment and some limited support for math contents. But the teacher who wishes to work on real mathematics reaches the boundaries of Moodle 2 regarding maths and sciences rather early.

WIRIS quizzes for Moodle 2 is a tool designed to provide full support for the online assessment of scientific subjects, directly on the module Quiz. With WIRIS quizzes, the teacher can create questions with random parameters and graphs which are ideal for independent learning. Besides, the students get a visual formula editor compatible with mobile devices to introduce their answers. Finally, the teacher doesn't need to waste his or her time grading randomly generated exercises, as the system automatically evaluates math answers.

WIRIS quizzes for Moodle 2 includes important enhancements of the module Quiz also with respect to the previous version for Moodle 1.x. Most importantly, the teacher can easily specify the format of the student’s answer by means of a series of simple assertions, such as: the answer must be simplified, or factorized, or expressed in physical units, or have a numerical accuracy of 3 digits, etc. On top of that, WIRIS quizzes integrates our latest formula editor, compatible with mobile devices thanks to its Javascript technology. This formula editor also provides real-time syntax check of the answer in order to minimise the insertion errors.

Finally, all WIRIS tools are specifically designed for education, so we keep a very alert eye on usability and feedback from our users.

Full Paper: documento Word Evaluation of scientific disciplines in Moodle 2.doc
Beitragsformat: Vortrag 40 min (plus 10 min Diskussion)
Bildungsbereiche: Sekundarstufe II
Hochschule- und Universität
Unternehmen und Erwachsenenbildung
Moodle-Anteil: 3 M (ausschliesslich Moodle)